26 ott 2011

titled, "self-portrait" - 1h

This is for a friendly death match (info) on hystericalminds against liransz. Theme was "magic". I don't like magic, so I painted a very sad and lonely wizard that uses his powers to create a huge self-portrait-cloud and show to no-one but himself the narcisist man he is.

I won.

clouds studies, 15:00 mins each

20 ott 2011

17. untitled - 03:00:00

finished: http://not1me.deviantart.com/art/warmed-by-the-fire-264850642

16. titled, lunch - 05:00:00 or 06:00:00

15. titled, Headless Sunset - see:post:below

14. titled, Noire - hours:minutes:seconds

13. untitled - 02:00:00

livestream recording @ http://www.livestream.com/not1me

11. untitled - 01:00:00; 12. titled, Carry the Fire - 40:00:00

12. finished version called Carry the Fire @ http://www.behance.net/gallery/Carry-the-Fire/2138622

10. untitled - 02:00:20

livestream recording @ http://www.livestream.com/not1me

9. untitled - 15:00 mins

8. untitled - 20:00 mins

7. titled, Embrace - 4-5 hours

6. titled, The Island of bad memories - 3 hours

5. untitled - time

4. untitled - 01:00:10

3. untitled - 30:00 mins

2. untitled - 30:00 mins

1. untitled